Saturday, October 11, 2003


Well am immensely glad now tht my exams are over. Nothing can replace the relief u get the moment ur exams get over. Infact everyone in our class started clapping the moment the final bell rang. It was a collective sigh echoed by the whole class.

Now for the best part, Diwali hols. I have always loved Diwali and diwali hols. its always been special for me. Diwali.........have always loved it. Crarckers, New dreses, tht sprinkiling of ganga jal on my head while bathing, and not to forget the compulsory oil bath. I love every bit of it. Sometimes i wonder abt some senseless rituals which had absolutely made no sense to me. being the rebel tht i always been i never did something just because ppl have always been doin likewsie leaving my parents flabbergasted! But now i feel rituals associalted with festivals and all are damn cute, makes my mundane life interesting. ( And by rituals i dont mean superstitions and other stupid beliefs) Also Diwali hols have been special coz my B'day has more often than not coincided with Diwali hols. So its always been tons of shopping, sweets, crackers, etc. and hopefully this time it shudnt be any different. Will be busy this vacations. Am involved in college projects and have finally got an internship. So me will be a working gal for the first time !!!!!!!!! wats if its only a trainee thing..........Me excited! But there are ppl (spoilsports) who say u're excited now but later u will be bored and sick to death and wud curse ur job. Well fortunately i don't think tht will happen. Coz tht happens when u do something u don't enjoy, then work sure becomes a drudgery! Journalism has always been a passion and something have always wanted to do. Hope my views aren't too utopian. U guys must be knowing there who sure have been there and done tht! Plzzzzzzz do share ur experiences. Wud love to know tht!

Its been a pointless post. Musings all the way..........

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